We have an End: The glory of the Heart of Jesus.A Mission: To Discover and make known the Love of His Heart.A spirituality: to be United and conformed to the Heart of Jesus. A Service in the Church and in the world of today: Transformative Education with a Preferential Love for the poor.
Sr. Eileen Gaitonde RSCJ

3. April, 2013VocationsNo comments


Why I became a nun: I became a nun out of a conviction that God wanted me to.Like the Hound of Heaven “I fled Him….” It was on the dance floor that I got my vocation clinched! the 31st night dance, when I was bringing in the New Year dancing instead of in Church like other pious Catholics. I danced every dance, to the envy of my friends, as there was an excess of girls to boys – and with every dance the conviction grew that God’s will for me was that I should be a nun!

The nuns of my school-days and some other congregations were keen on my entering with them but I felt drawn to the Society, I was drawn by the personal love of Our Lord that the nuns at Sophia College communicated. Through interaction with them, the Gospel Study circles and the ‘Contact system’ I began to have a growing personal relationship with the Lord. I was also impressed by the nuns’ relationships with each other – each nun was nique, and could disagree objectively during a discussion and yet a loving relationship was maintained by them. To crown it all, “the cloister” of those days was a great attraction.

I was irresistibly drawn by the contemplative aspect although teaching ran in my blood; in this Congregation both “the drawings” contemplative life and education could be fulfilled – although I was willing to give up teaching.I did not mind what I did. I experienced God as the only absolute in my life. Why I remain a nun: I have known two major crises in my vocation. In the novitiate, when I wanted to leave and in my later Young Professed stage. In both these major vocation crises the “Centre held” the conviction that God wanted me here, saw me through. I am in “awe of His wondrous grasp of me and take no comfort in my frail hold of Him”.

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